Healthy body image is when you feel comfortable with your body. You may or may not always feel positive about your appearance, but you have an overall sense of comfort and more often than not feel good about the way that you look.
Unlocking Your Creativity!
Some people are naturally more creative than others and are able to think more flexibly and outside the box to give birth to various pieces or art, writing, movement, or design. However, most people are capable of being creative and can definitely put work into strengthening their creative capacity.
Have You Been Holding Back from Achieving Your Goals?
Managing Your Emotions & Social Contact Post Covid Vaccinations
Overcoming Imposter Syndrome
Debunking Myths About Sexual Assault
PTSD & Covid-19
Having to navigate life in a world where covid-19 is still a reality has presented people with many threats; threat of illness, threat of death, loss or potential loss of income, potential loss of life as it was known, among other things. Coronavirus has presented the world with a collective trauma where every human being on the planet is vulnerable to any one of these threats.
Managing Anger in Your Relationship
Power & Vulnerability During Periods of Crisis!
A Time For Connection!
As I write this blog post I find myself wondering if there is anyone who has not been affected by Covid-19 in some way. Whether it is directly through illness in oneself or a loved one, financial hardship, significant stress, feelings of depression due to social isolation, anxiety, recurrence of trauma, and I am sure many other things.
Is Implicit Bias Real? YES!
How Will You Move Towards Your New Beginnings?
Gender Discrimination in the Workplace Impacts Mental Health!
How We Feel About Our Body Is So Much More Than How We Look!
Eating Disorders Are Not Always What You Think They Are
Many people think of adolescent girls, gymnasts. or models when they think of eating disorders, and with good reason. Certain industries or developmental periods of life expose people to eating disordered behaviors and/or make people more susceptible to them. However, eating disorders can occur in anyone, in any setting, and during any period of life.
Invisible Illness & The Microagrressions We Are Not Talking About!
Be Aware of Implicit Bias In Health Care!
Mindfulness is NOT Just a Fad!
The Lost Art of Listening and Being Heard
The midterm elections have come and gone, and hey have verified that there is a great split in our country. We are a divided nation, and with this has come increased hatred, stereotyping, and bigotry. There have been multiple reports on increased hate crimes and anti-Semitism, and there is a decrease in diplomatic communication between people of differing opinions.